Join SFAABC Today!
August 5, 2016
Thanks for considering joining the Stephen F Austin Athletic Booster Club and supporting our Bulldog Athletes! We can’t do it without generous donors like you!
Want to see the MEMBERSHIP DETAILS? Click here to view and download the 2016-17 SFAABC Membership form.
Join Today! Pay online below! Questions? Email Us! To navigate to checkout, please CLICK on level, and it will take you straight to check out. At this time, we are working on the addition of DONATE directly to the sport. If you wish to donate directly to a particular sport(s), please print form (link below) and attach a check. More info on direct donations coming soon!
NOTE: When registering online, PLEASE remember to add you ATHLETES’ NAME & SPORTS in the NOTES section.
What did the Booster Club do with monies from 2015-16?
- Provide tennis court benches.
- Contributed to baseball field improvements.
- Added track Discus cage.
- Helped swim team to purchase speed suits.
- Promoted school spirit at various events via promotional items (balls, tshirts, arm bands)
- Sponsored Touchdown Club Award tables.
- Sponsored Fall & Spring tournament and meet fees.
- Awarded $6000 in Senior Scholarships to do deserving athletes.
- Distributed over $38,000 to AHS Sports Programs.
- Every single team benefitted and received some from of funds!