Bulldog News

SEASON TICKETS – Football 2018


FORT BEND ISD (July 9, 2018): Season tickets for Austin, Bush, Clements, Dulles, Elkins, Hightower, Kempner, Marshall, Ridge Point, Travis and Willowridge high schools will be in the form of a pass for each seat. The pass must be retained by the purchaser for the season and will be good at Mercer or Hall stadiums for all Home and Visitor games of the school for which you purchased a season pass. Like before, the season pass will entitle you to your assigned seat at HOME games. When you are a VISITOR, the pass will act as GENERAL ADMISSION to the game, with no assigned seating. After season ticket sales are over, the remaining chair back seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. All tickets sold during the football season will be GENERAL ADMISSION tickets. 

Tickets sold at our stadiums will cost $8.00 each. Parking will be free of charge.


  • Tickets will be sold at the FBISD Athletic Office in the Wheeler Field House, 16403 Lexington Blvd., from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.


  • August 6 – August 17: Only 2017 season ticket holders may purchase the seats they held in 2017. If you plan to be out of town during this time, you may purchase your tickets by mail. Please mail us a check for the amount specified below payable to Fort Bend ISD. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to enable us to return your season tickets to you. AUSTIN HS: $54 (9 games)


  • August 20 through August 30: All remaining season tickets will go on sale to the general public on a “first come, first-served” basis.  AUSTIN HS: $54 (9 games)
  • Season Ticket Sales for all FBISD High Schools will end on August 30 when the first game kicks off for the 2018 Season.


  • Ticket options ARE NOT TO BE TRANSFERRED to another individual.

Per seat season ticket prices are as follows (based on number of games played in FBISD stadiums):